Terrified of sleeping

Guys I am legit terrified of going to sleep tonight. I have to sleep with the lights on. I recently came back to Catholicism a couple of weeks ago. I confessed my sins and partook in the Eucharist again and it felt great.

I have been having this huge fear ever since then that something evil is watching me in my sleep which is why I have been having the light on. It just feels like there is an evil presence in the room. Last night I had this terrible very vivid sexual dream and when I woke up I was covered in sweat and I felt a ton of fear.

That being said I’m not sure if this is coming from my head or if this is real. I’m not sure what to do hear honestly. I’ve been praying the rosary, going to confession, etc… I feel fine during the day when I’m not in my room.

Just not sure what to do. Any advice or help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks