My life at the mo

I (F23 UK) got back from my travels around Australia nearly 2 years ago. I brought my amazing boyfriend home to meet the parents and save up for an adventure to New Zealand. I starting a jon at a pub very close to my heart and that I have a lot of connections with. Made some amazing friends there, both coworkers and regulars. On the 24th of this month, my coworkers and I are all quitting due to differences with the new owners coming in on the 25th lol. In November my boyfriend was pretty much deported back to Australia (I don't want to get into it rip). We've been long distance since but it's only making us stronger. I ha e been saving up and am nearly at my goal. We are going to meet in New Zealand hopefully next month and I cannot wait. I'm very emotional that I'm leaving my family. My 12 year old sister will be so different when I see her next. But that's the thing with life, it goes on.

Sorry if I'm rambling, just wanted to write that all down really. I'm not really sure what emotions I'm feeling so Im writing things out should help :)

I hope you're all having a great day, wherever you are and whatever you're doing.
