If you think Cap loves the Government, you can suck egg
Yet again i feel so annoyed by people with a misunderstanding of Captain America (yes the title, not just Steve Rogers) who believe him to be a government stand in.
Does Iron Man represent Metals and Metalloids?
Does Spider-man represent the insect community?
Obviously not, but yet Captain America MUST represent the American Government in its current form NO MATTER WHAT.
Do you know how much the American government has changed since the 40s? So which era of the Government does he represent? Is he pro war, anti guns, pro life? You cant answer those questions BECAUSE HE DOESNT REPRESENT THE GOVERNMENT.
Captain America is my favorite character in all of fiction, and being an agnostic person. I essentially treat Captain America the same some do with Jesus. I wear a Captain America ring, that acts as a “what would Jesus do” bracelet for me. So seeing people so blatantly misunderstand the character is so infuriating.
On a side note, I am super happy to see Anthony Mackie continue as Cap. both on and off screen, seems to really understand the character. Stoked for the movie. I am really glad to see Captain America get to take part in this “renaissance” of superhero movies this year. We are getting Captain America, a movie that seems to actually understand Superman, and a Fantastic Four movie that looks to be much more than just a cash grab.