Employees are not your friends.

Don't act rude and then be all buddy-buddy with me and address me by name unnecessarily just because I was polite to you. It was a courtesy. I am not your friend. I will not be polite to you anymore. You are creeping me out.

Don't come to CVS to socialize with workers. Don't pull us away from our jobs for half an hour to "chat" because you're lonely and have no friends. Keeping you company and comforting you about your estranged daughter is NOT in our job description. We will be desperately looking for a way out of that conversation the entire time. We have shit to do.

Don't come in when we're busy and expect special treatment and priority just because you're a regular. You're not more important because you live nearby.

Don't expect special treatment because you've worked at CVS, argue with me that you know how CVS coupons work, and make me inevitably have to fix your fuck-up.

Don't act like an asshole and then expect special treatment because you've shopped at this CVS for 25 years. Wow, I don't care! I can refuse service.