Does this happen for anybody?
Right before each semester, I get this doom feeling like idk how to describe it. Like it's just a bad vibe like I'm putting myself through months of pressure and stress and headache, which I am, but it actually starts to get better a few weeks in. Anyways, this doom feeling is the worst. I don't feel any anxiety or fear or anything, but just a bad feeling each semester. Same feeling I get at a job or many other things. Idk. Another thing I dislike is how it seems that so much time is wasted in some of these classes and I bet money we could get through a semester in like 4 weeks but the professors have to deal with so many questions or pointless off topic discussions. Lol! It seems like it drags on forever sometimes. Who decides these things we have to adhere to in society? Hahaha. I know, I know, I'm there to learn lol, but sometimes I just wish it would go by faster. Idk. Ugh. I probably feel this way because I'm an older student who returned to college many years later. Idk. Btw, these are just my thoughts. I'm not trying to be rude or mean.