Target credit card CLI is impossible!
I opened a target credit card like three or four years ago. Actually, it may be longer than that. When I initially opened it, they gave me a $200 credit line.
At that point in my life that was great. It was manageable and I was coming out of a credit hole that I created for myself many years ago.
I believe the credit card servicer is TD Bank. To make a long story short, they don’t offer a request online to increase your credit line. A couple of years ago I had called because they had a great deal on an Nintendo switch that I wanted to buy for my daughter for Christmas. However, my credit line didn’t cover it. So I called them directly and asked them about a CLI.
The representative that I talk to on the phone to make sure that my income was updated online. It was . I asked him if he could run it at that point on the phone and he said that they do not do that. He said they periodically review the account And will increase as necessary.
Here we are many years later and I am still sitting at $200. I do use the card about once a month. Sometimes once every two months for random household things. I usually pay it off to zero at the end of the month. Sometimes I even carry a small balance in an attempt to see if that will help them do the automatic credit line increase.
None of it has worked . Am I missing something here? Come on boys and girls, give me your tips on getting target to raise my credit limit. I appreciate any advice that you can provide.
Thank you for reading 😀