Had a conversation with some ex-bank tellers

Last night my wife and I hosted a party. At the party, 2 of the wives of my friends are ex-bank tellers and I asked them about their perception of coin roll hunters.

Here are the takeaways:

  1. As tellers, they absolutely do not mind ordering boxes of coins, they just want you to be pleasant and an easy customer. What they don’t like and eill give negative view of you is being rude.

If you are pleasant, to them its just a quick weekly meeting, they remember you when they see you, forget you when you leave

  1. This leads me to the next takeaway: we feel more self-concious about asking than we should. They do not spend mental energy thinking about us until their work forces them too. The anxiety is all in our heads

  2. They do like getting food brought to them! Lol, this one when I asked they said they were always welcome to it and it was a nice reprieve from the normal routine of their day

I don’t know if others are typically self conscious about asking for boxes to be ordered like I am, but this conversation helped soothe my worries about being a bother to the tellers or being the eye roll when they see me

Just thought I would share!