I'm such a worthless piece of shit

I haven't done anything all fucking week, actually, all month. I haven't folded the laundry, washed the dishes, washed the bed sheets, cleaned. I haven't done anything and I feel so worthless. I don't know why I can't, I just fucking can't and I hate myself for it. I feel so useless. Like what's the point? I'll just have to do it again tomorrow. The laundry will need to be folded again, I'll need to wash the dishes and sheets again, I'll need to clean again. It's never ending and I can't handle it. It's too much. It's too much. I can't even bring myself to do the things I think I like because I know they won't make me feel better. I don't feel pleasure anymore. I don't feel happiness or relief or anything, just constant suffering and I'm so so so tired

Edit: thank you for the nice comments, it really means a lot to me. I managed to fold the laundry and succeeded in putting it away too! Thanks guys ❤️