How can i be a good Friend/Spouse to someone with CPTSD?

Hey, I'm dating someone who has so many issues that they refuse to tell me. that made me concerned and try to make them talk but then they stop talking altogether after that i started reading about mental health issues that she alluded to having.

that was 2 months ago, so today i know way more than i knew back then and i feel guilty. they asked me for space and time alone, im waiting for them to text me again. we fell in love pretty fast to the point that i feel guilty about it, its my first romantic relationship and we clicked so fast that it felt so unnatural and embarassing to me.

She often promised that she would stick by and never leave and if i broke up she would never date again, which made me concerned because she needs to look for herself even if i seem like someone who is safe. When she asked for time alone I asked if she wanted to break up and she said "no, i dont want to break up or stop talking" so that makes me feel both relieved and yet again concerned, i dont want her to feel pressured to date me.

She is incredibly kind despite all her issues she never insults people and never blows up on them. I don't want to lose someone like her and i want to be someone who is there to support them and i feel like i failed them by pressuring them to talk.

I want to know, how can i not be a trigger? how can i be someone who helps? Will it be "cured"? will they be truly happy?

if it were a different person i would've given up, but she is far too kind and deserves to be happy. this is a long distance relationship, i plan to meet her next year.