Loss of Appetite

I'm on my second bout with COVID. First was 3 yrs ago. It is milder this time, but still bad. The worst is the inability to eat. It is just making me weep with frustration. Last time I went out of my mind because I could not eat ANYTHING except applesauce, I can tolerate a few things now, bagels, ice cream, cereal but I am so hungry and its all I can think about it. I call it the "Daily Struggle". Its not exactly nausea: I don't get the urge to vomit, it's just an emphatic, NOPE whenever I try something that my brain has decided it will not tolerate, which is almost everything. NOPE. Tastes like sawdust. NOPE smells like a chemical. NOPE too soft. NOPE too salty. Into the bin it goes. I am over the fever and most of the other symptoms after a week but the eating has not improved. I know it will. I have not lost taste and smell this time. I still have parosmia after three years but I've learned to just live with that. Sorry, this is a bit of a rant. I know others deal with terrible symptoms. I would give anything for a nice hot fulfilling meal.