Just tested positive

I just got a positive result from yesterday’s test. I figured I’d give my symptoms & timeline for anyone who is curious.

I typically have sinus issues, so I’m not sure exactly when that started in relation to covid.

Day 1- I had nasal congestion and a headache most of the day, which isn’t out of the norm for me. That evening, my headache got worse. I woke up almost hourly during the night with chills, sweats, and a general anxiety and weak feeling. It’s hard to explain, I just felt off.

Day 2- Woke up at 4 AM & unable to go back to sleep. I felt fatigue, weakness, & body aches all day. I continued with a severe headache & congestion. I developed nausea & abdominal pain. I also had a low grade fever throughout the day ~99.5. At some point, it hit 101. My thermometer did read 102 once, but I don’t know that I trust the quality of it. I was lucky enough to get an appointment for a test for 11:30.

I took a hot shower and poured some eucalyptus oil in it. After the shower and some Advil cold & sinus, my headache and congestion were a bit better. Got home from my test & started feeling symptoms again, although not as severe.

Day 3- I was able to sleep through the night. Woke up with a bit more congestion & now a sore throat, but the headache is mild. I’m still having some fatigue, weakness, & musculoskeletal pains. This afternoon, right as I was about to eat lunch of course, I developed a muted sense of smell and taste. I’m now feeling a bit of tightness in my throat & chest. I have a burning sensation in my nose that I equate to the congestion, along with a very mild burning in my chest. It feels as if I’m just not fully inflating my lungs, but I’m not necessarily short of breath. I have been afebrile most of the day, although I still don’t trust my thermometer. It will jump anywhere from 97-101 on back to back readings. My O2 sats have consistently been between 97-99%.

Edit: Chest tightness is starting to become more pronounced with some SOB. I’ve had a few episodes of productive coughing and am starting to feel dizzy again. I also forgot to mention brain fog. I’m forgetful enough as is, but the brain fog has made it worse.


Day 4- Chest tightness and shortness of breath are a little worse today. Nasal congestion & burning are just as annoying as before. Intermittent dizziness & nausea throughout the day, but fatigue and weakness have been constant. Cough has been productive and intermittent as well. My sense of taste and smell are still present and muted. Temperature range has been all over the place, from 96.4-101. I got a rx for an albuterol inhaler & dexamethasone.

For reference: I’m 32 y.o. Female, overweight, and medical history of PCOS, childhood asthma, allergies, essential tremors, anxiety, depression, & BPD.