Any sniping tips?

I’ve only been sniping around 2-3 months. I use my thumbs and CANNOT use controller. My movement becomes too stiff and I feel too disconnected from the game.

I mainly use the DLQ, but have a pretty decent load out for most of the other snipers. I just think their ADS time is too slow and have found my DLQ class is the fastest.

I think I have pretty good long range aim, my short is crappy, and my mid depends.

I switch weapon usually only when I plan to run farther than a few steps or slide, which ends up being a lot of the time.

I think my movement while sniping has become stiff, since I used to practice by quick scope camping in TDM. This was a random 1v1 from world chat and I only seemed to get kills in bursts like this one. Im unsure how to be more consistent like this.

I think it might be because I overthink it, trying to spend the first half of the match “observing.” Trying to read and predict their moment. Then randomly applying it at a certain point in the game.

Is it my gun, my movement, my strategy, or something else?

My sniping friends are BEASTS and I cant seem to learn from their techniques. They taught me a lot of good stuff, but I cant seem to progress anymore with their advice