My desktop CNC setup

The video shows my desktop cnc setup for milling alluminium.😀🤘

I finally built enclosure for my cnc and flood coolant setup for milling alluminium. Here are few details about my setup:

  1. The base was built using 2020 alluminium extrusions. The joints are drilled, tapered. I used m4 bolts for building rigid base.
  2. This base sits at 100mm height (6 extrusions) so that I can collect flood coolant in a tray beneath it.
  3. The base was easily able to handle my weight(78kg😅) when compared to CNC 10kg
  4. I surrounded transparent sheets generally used in kitchens, so that the fluid and alluminium pieces goes to the bottom tray.
  5. I used acquarium pump and drip irrigation setup for flooding coolant
  6. Flood coolant I am using is 5% mixture of semi synthetic cutting fluid with water.

Now I can easily clean the mess after each milling and reuse fluid collected in tray🤘 I am very new to CNC, will post the final results later. Let me know your thoughts on my setup🙂