I thought I had CHS but my symptoms subsided when I quit smoking cigarettes, not marijuana

TL;DR I discovered my CHS symptoms subsided when I quit smoking cigarettes.

I use cannabis on a daily basis. Pretty much every hour of the day I take a hit off my concentrate pen. When I go to sleep at night; there's 8 hours where I can't hit my pen. When I wake up I get sick. It usually starts with coughing up phlegm and that increases my already bad nausea in the morning. Then I end up throwing up everything in my stomach. This has gone on every morning for months. I consulted a doctor and they told me it sounds like CHS. I believed that for many years and still continued to smoke. Trying to find another way to mitigate my symptoms. One day I decided to stop smoking cigarettes. The next morning I had almost zero nausea and no phlegm to cough up. I didn't puke. It seems like the cigarettes were the cause of my nausea and puking because if I don't smoke cigarettes for a day; I have no CHS symptoms the following morning. I just wanted to share this and see if anyone else can relate. Also I have been using a nicotine vape instead of smoking cigarettes.