Managing error code response in Chromeleon 7.3.2?

Hello All.

I know this is a very basic question but I cannot find documentation anywhere. My company recently purchased an Inuvion system and because the system is so new, it's hard to find anyone with similar issues online.

Last night, while the lab was closed, the IC developed a leak. Instead of shutting off the pump, the Inuvion decided that it was enough to turn on the alarm and do nothing else. When I came in this morning, there was a massive puddle underneath the machine. I have been trying to locate some kind of setting to make it so in the future, leaks don't turn the alarm on, they just shut the pump off. I've checked every manual, and I cannot seem to find the location of this.

My supervisor says that there should be a chromeleon setting for this; but she doesn't know where it could be either. I know this is a very basic question, so I really hope I'm just being blind and can't see something obvious; because I'd really rather not come back from a long weekend and find a leak took out the nearby computer.

The machine is the Inuvion IC and Chromeleon is 7.3.2.

Thank you all so much in advance!