how do you get used mentally to carrying appendix
I carry my xmacro daily but always between 3-5 on my waist. I really want to start carrying appendix for concealment and safety reasons but I can’t get over the fear of shooting my nuts off. Walking around appendix I feel fine but the second I sit down in a car or for extended periods of time my heart starts going. Maybe it’s the p320 situation (which ik doesn’t apply to the p365 but still) did anyone else start out that way? Or is it just a time and getting used to having a loaded 9mm pointed directly at my nuts and femoral artery
I carry my xmacro daily but always between 3-5 on my waist. I really want to start carrying appendix for concealment and safety reasons but I can’t get over the fear of shooting my nuts off. Walking around appendix I feel fine but the second I sit down in a car or for extended periods of time my heart starts going. Maybe it’s the p320 situation (which ik doesn’t apply to the p365 but still) did anyone else start out that way? Or is it just a time and getting used to having a loaded 9mm pointed directly at my nuts and femoral artery