Protocol after Self-Defense Shooting
I’m writing this after waking up from a nightmare where I had to shoot someone dead in self-defense. I don’t remember all the exact details since it was a nightmare but I was panicking since I thought I would be arrested for committing murder and it was a mad dash to find a lawyer to represent me. It felt all too real and I cried a little bit in relief when I woke up just now in my bed.
For the record, I conceal carry a 10mm Glock 29SF Gen 4 loaded with Hornady 180gr XTPs as my carry ammo (I’ll carry Underwood 220gr Hard-Cast ammo when in Bear Country).
While doing my research on the 10mm Auto, I came across the case of Harold Fish. Like me, he carried a 10mm and he shot someone dead in self-defense with it but he was wrongfully convicted of 2nd degree murder which was overturned. Some of the points that the prosecutor used to convict him was his recollection didn’t exactly line up with the accounts of other witnesses and the fact that Harold had used a 10mm. Anybody who shoots guns knows that they don’t want to be shot by any caliber of bullet, but a Jury might not know that.
So, what is the protocol after shooting somebody in self-defense so I can avoid my nightmare scenario?