I'm going to fail and repeat this class I'm serious
So I have been getting the feeling that I'll definitely fail this exam I don't know a single chapter clearly I have been defeated by my own mind repeatedly I had time yesterday I could have done chapters that can pass me but due to anxiety I couldn't do a singlecchapter completely adhd and this mental disorder destroyed me completely I'll post after exam and I am in auto and to be very honest I want somethinga really bad to happen to me so I can't make it to the center somebody kill me and it's more convincing than going to the exam center I did bad in physics and chemistry too I just hope they pass in in any one out of physics and chemistry cause I'm definitely going to fail in mathematics and I can give compartment in any two or else I have to repeat 12th my hopes good for today I can't let her down I wish a truck crushes me and end my miserable life