Media Inspirations people have noticed?

I very much like the flavour and styling of it all, and one day ( day *stares wistfully out to the horizon) I'd like to run a game, and I feel like itd be a benefit to haev a shortlist of media that the system embodies.

So what stuff do people see in there? This is my (almost certainly flawed) list so far:

Chainsaw Man- A lot of stuff to be honest, but vibes and styling for sure
Jujutsu Kaisen- Second verse same as the first (plus the Palace Blasphemy)
Demon Slayer- This one is a bit looser, but theres the art with the guys that have "Destroy" on their backs
Blue Excorcist?- Once again this might just because the general premise is the same
Deathnote/Jojos?- The Shadow Blasphemy has big Ryuk/Stand Vibes
Neon Genesis?- Some lineup with the angels maybe?
SCP- Some of those sins look very SCP/Creepypasta

Anyone else see anything else that jumps out at them?

EDIT: Some notable ones from comment leavers

Persona series- The Palace blasphemy

Madokka Magica- The Sins seem similar to the enemies they face

Suicide Squad- organisation of special individuals that are highly expendable

Limbus Company (and connected media)-

D. Gray Man-

Blood: The last vampire- General Vibe