Someone wants to be heard....!?!
Someone entered a Motion to be Heard as Interested Parties!
This is a lot of build-up for this hearing.
So many intriguing hints.
I hope they decided to have everything in the open.Hippler's YouTube stream is already up & ready, hehe:
Now we have even more to wonder about in the meantime:
what interested parties!? Who?!
They don't just want access; they want to be heard.
Now we have:
- Subpoena deuces tecum [records]
- Subpoena [for testimony]
- Subpoena [unknown]
- Out-of-State witness [remote attendance]
- Interested parties [requesting to be heard]
Who could they be?!?! & why?
- Subpoena deuces tecum [records] - FBI IGG records
- Subpoena [for testimony] - Payne
- he might not be a willing participant anymore bc of misconduct allegation in the Motion for Frank's Hearing
- Subpoena [unknown] - BF
- Out-of-State witness [remote attendance] - BF
- also considering: PA Police, Steve Mercer, Leah Larkin, or Bicka Barlow
- I kinda hope it's someone we've never even heard of before though
- Interested parties [requesting to be heard] - I have no clue! (e: guess)
- this is crazy!? FBI?
- Other DNA lab who did something else w/the DNA & got a dif result?!
- someone with info related to any of the evidence they're hoping to suppress