Krystal is compromised

I’ve been a big fan of the show since the start. I admittedly have a bit of a black pilled, anarchistic, libertarian bias, but Krystal is becoming more narcissistic, disrespectful, disingenuous, and an advocate/cheerleader for “big” everything. I used to recommend the the show to anyone that was hard left or hard right. Hoping to at least encourage some polite debate and honestly listening to opposing views. But Krystal, and her inability to let her cohost finish a full sentence, statement, or thought without interruption is setting a bad example. I (40M) lower middle class, momma’s boy, 3 sisters, 3 sister in laws, 12 nieces, can barely make it through their “debates”. I acknowledge my bias but watching her painfully struggle to let saggar speak while she’s clearly loading her counterattack instead of listening is disheartening. Her and Kyle either know something we don’t, she’s been bought and paid for, or she’s being blackmailed. Idk. I’ll still likely listen to their “debates” from time to time but I’ve officially unsubscribed. Welcome to the digital fugazi.