Finally, 4 months later, finally pain fades and gives space for angrry

Anger is ok. I have reasons to be angry. But I always tend to put the guilt on me for everything and then hâte myself and suffer horrible pain while actually it's not my fault.

Finally. I'm angry that he continues to "use" my body while he knew I loved and that he didn't. That he knew I was getting attached while he was checking out, because he made sure to keep being the same on the outside so that I would feel nothing before he finally make up his mind.

Angry that he got carried away too quick and too shallow, and didn't care one second about the consequences it would have on me if he would change his mind. Because he made me believe it was solid. While it wasn't.

Yes. I'm angry at you. And disappointed by you.

I guess finally I am finding the way to walk in order to start unloving you.

Good bye. Good bye.