The aftermath of impulsively hooking up with an ex
So, him (22M) and I (20F) broke up pretty dramatically four months ago after two years of dating and living together. We went no contact and with the exception of brief discussion regarding logistical matters there has been NO contact since the break up. Flash forward to last weekend, it was our mutual friends birthday party and the first time we had seen each other. We decide it’d be mature to talk, but we enjoy talking so much we impulsively decide to go home together and keep hanging out. We had already established we missed each other and have forgiven each other. We then spent the next fifteen hours together ; both shocked by how harmonious it all was. We discussed potentially getting back together in the future but we also acknowledged how the space has been good to us ( but our local dating pool has been insufferable lol). Anyways, I left feeling very confused and we havent spoken since however I know we’re both debating reaching out to each other. His birthday was a few weeks ago and i told him i thought of reaching out and he said he would have been endeared and wished i did. So now it’s 2/11/25 and im debating if i should send him a funny Valentines Day text to break the tension. Hanging out really revealed how much i missed him. It’s weird feeling like this is a hookup im ghosting when in reality it’s someone i love very deeply who i now have a very complicated relationship with. Im just not sure how to navigate this.