Best Lessons Learnt From Your BreakUp?
It's 2025. Let's start this year fking strong and fresh. I've had so much help from this thread and also so much love just from reading everyone's story. Share some of your best lessons to apply for all of us here this year!
Here's mine.
If you're ready to move on in life or you're just too sick of staying in your misery. Block EVERYTHING. Disconnect every part of your life from theirs. You have your life to work on, they have theirs.
If they respond badly or whatever they wanna call you for doing so, just remember, you were a whole person before you met them. You can and SHOULD be a whole person again after them, and who knows for you hopeless romantics, if you guys are meant to be together in the future, you NEED to be a whole person again and be okay living life without them.
Let's share some lessons!