Exactly 1 year ago today, my ex blindsided me after 7 years together. Here is what I learnt:

During the start of the breakup I really struggled with the thought of what my future would look like, who I was without my ex and going through the stages of grief. Going through these challenges I was fortunate to be surrounded by friends, family and even coworkers that were understanding when I needed to go to an area and just cry. I know all of you are at different stages in your breakups whether it had just happened or you are years past the breakup, but things will get better i promise. Once those rose coloured glasses start coming off and you start seeing situations for what they were and how your ex wasn't perfect, it does get easier. I mean, I was prepared to move country to be with someone that couldn't make me top 5 in the priority list lol. Once you start to rediscover yourself again, love yourself and start to think about what future you want it will get better, but do not force the grieving process it needs to happen. You don't want to rush that. My ex and I went NC roughly a week after we broke because I was very confused on why we were breaking up and he hasn't reached out since nor have I. I do honestly believe NC is for the best as you don't want to keep reminding yourselves of them and looking for updates to see if they are with someone new. Although I am guilty for doing that myself so I can't judge too harshly. Also please don't rush into a new relationship, process what has happened otherwise you may end up hurting the new relationship. For anyone that doesn't want to read what I wrote: -NC does work -go through the grieving process -rediscovering yourself for who you are -plan a future when you are ready where your ex is not involved -don't rush into a new relationship until you're ready -it's okay to grieve and there is no time limit on when you should start feeling better and moving on -possibly block your ex to stop yourself from seeing if they have a new partner

Hope this helps anyone that may be struggling right now, any questions just comment I'd happily answer and hope you are all okay 🫶