RHOSLC: Mary is going to inevitably hurt Angie badly

As seen from past seasons Angie loves her friends to a fault every time, letting them get away with quite a bit till she says enough is enough.

Just by how Mary acted with harmless ol Brittni, I imagine what’s to come with any conflict or difference of opinion that arises between the two.

Angie for the most part is always one to be cordial with all/most parties and will not hate and bully someone on behalf of her friend. We saw lisa get upset she was being nice to Monica, I think Jen also got a little mad at similar things, and now there’s Mary saying pick a side (in the unshown finale beach scene).

Angie has never been one who has been strong armed into inheriting a friends grudge towards someone who hasn’t done anything personally to her. Mary is also very rude and mean when she is hurt clearly, eventually she’s going to go too far and Angie will not stand for it.

I wish on Angie, a friend as delicate as she is with them, AT ALL TIMES, and able to communicate hurt as softly as she usually does with her friends…

It’s just like having a partner who’s mean or cold to you every single time he’s upset with you, for anything. That just … not the most conducive for long term success in a relationship