Carpentry/woodworking in Minneapolis?

How's it going everyone! I'm a 26 y/o who finally gave up the idea that I need to go to college lol. Tried and hated it. Thats a rant for a different day. I have always wanted to have carpentry skills, although for a long-term career I think I'd most enjoy woodworking/furniture and cabinet building. I have no idea where would be a good place to start. I have researched carpentry in other cities, but it seems every place does it a little different.. some have individual classes, others university programs, and some are just plain old apprenticeships with a year of construction experience, and so on. 💡What would you all say is the best route to take up in the twin cities? For background, I have very basic knowledge of power tools from assembly at warehouses, and a smidge of woodworking from woodshop classes. Thanks in advance 🫶