Called N Word Repeatedly at Work

Recently called the n word multiple times by Mexican employees which led me to quit after a month working there. I know I sound weak for quitting but it was so intense that I literally was having panic attacks and anxiety every freaking morning before going to work. I’m fresh out of college and this was my real job with great health insurance and retirement savings. This job did not require an interview- only background checks and fingerprint so maybe that’s why it was so racially hostile. I was harassed every other day but kept documenting and ignoring them to make sure I had enough evidence. And one of the Mexican American employees initially kept telling me I’m pretty and wanted to take me out to Denny’s (this dude was my dad’s age and I’m only 24)!! I did file a complaint and was interviewed about what happened verbally. But I just know these sick racist ppl are going to lie and get away with it cause the coordinator interviewing me started rolling his r’s to pronounce his last name (and this guy is fully white American) after searching him. There aren’t that many black employees either… there’s mostly Hispanic, white, Asian/black in that order from most to least amount of employees. I did keep my other job which is low pay minimum wage and went back recently as I was put back on schedule.

However, for some odd reason I’m experiencing similar issues which I never had before starting the new racist employment. My only explanation can be is that I did list I had outside employment with name and address listed for HR to file. I don’t know what to do and I want to cry and scream cause I have bills which I thought could be covered by the new job. I could’ve transferred but was told they can’t do that unless I feel I was in danger or threatened as if racial harassment isn’t or can’t lead to that.