How do people fail to understand this

How do people fail to understand this

This is how I look at it , bitcoin is divisible and portable like cash and scarce like gold. It has the best features of both and better.

Gold is great cause scarce so preserves purchasing power but you can't run a global economy on gold. We can't be shipping eachother gold for global trade, it's too slow and very expensive to secure and transport.

It's also not as divisible as cash, like if you want to buy coffee with gold you'd have to shave a little flake and weigh it out.

Cash works because 80% of cash is digital , so it's highly portable and divisible. The problem though is since more keeps getting created it loses purchasing power.

Bitcoin is scarce like gold, in fact even scarcer , its stock to flow has surpassed gold now and lost bitcoin is not retrievable unlike gold which when lost will eventually get rediscovered since it's still on earth.

Bitcoin is more portable than digital cash. An international bank transfer takes 1-5 business days. Bitcoin takes about 10 minutes. Even faster with the lightning network which takes a split second then you can always do final settlement later on mainchain.

It's even more divisible cause 1 bitcoin is made of 100 million base units called satoshis.

It's decentralized , so unlike how banks can freeze your account and stop your transactions it's not possible with bitcoin. This was why canadian truckers started using bitcoin during the covid protests after trudeau froze there bank accounts.

Holding it doesn't require third party trust. When you put your money in a bank you trust they'll let you redeem it but in some countries governments have stolen peoples bank savings like lebanon. Bitcoin exists on a decentralized ledger that's immutable so nobody can seize it as long as you keep your private key secure. Aside from ofcourse threatening you and making you hand it over yourself.

It is like the perfect form of money , it has every quality we've wanted in money. Yet people fail to see this and when I try to tell my friends and family they give me this look like i'm crazy. 😔