What even is the point of timesheets?
First I was trained to book my actual time on tasks. Great. Makes sense.
Made myself a nice little excel sheet that converts normal time to the blocky timesheet decimal format. (0.1 = 6 minutes or whatever) And automates timing tasks so I know exactly how many hours/seconds/minutes I spent per task. Hooray, straight forward, right? Wrong!
This is a corporate environment after all. Boss scolds me: "You can't book X amount this task!"
Oke dokes, lie on my timesheet. Got it. Dump time into training bucket. My excel sheet timer function now serves no purpose due to maximum allowable time spent. Simply convert time to blocky timesheet units.
Boss: "You're doing nothing! Why are you spending so much time training!?"
But, but, but. What? I'm not allowed to book real time spent on tasks (so I "eat" the hours) and I'm not allowed to eat hours either. So, which is it, corpo boss?
I know the holy WIP means everything to the boss. Why can't the system be reformed entirely? What even is the point of timesheets if we all have to lie on them? And then get scolded for lying on them?
Makes zero sense. Someone make it make sense.
Edit: A lot of people are DM-ing me for the excel sheet.
You can download the excel file I made Here
Unblock it and enable macros for it to work.
I made it bare bones so you can add your stuff to it. It has a built in timer function and also a SumNonBold function I made so you can distinguish between chargeable and non chargeable hours. There are 2 sheets: Timesheet with Timer and Client Repository. Client repository is where you put all client info and standard descriptions for tasks so you don't have to retype it all.