Anybody else starting to get underwhelmed with updates?
I know this might be heresy but I’m really just wishing that they’d add more content than one new vehicle, a new map, or a new menu or something.
I’ve really wanted this game to be better in other aspects, such as, racing!! You can’t set up a race without it being a preset scenario with cars you can’t do anything to. And if you can, it seems pretty complicated.
I feel like there’s a huge potential in areas that haven’t been explored or aren’t being addressed by devs. Even a simple “we’re working on this” could be so nice.
I understand the devs are not a massive team. This game isn’t a business model like many others. They provide updates for free and keep the game’s price the same.
Honestly though I wish sometimes that they’d make it cost more, or do something to increase their workforce or anything like that, so we can actually have interaction with the maps in terms of pre-spawned props to knock down, scratches and dirt build up on vehicles.
I understand a bit about developing, I code a little on the side, so I know that some of these things are difficult if not impossible to do without destroying the game’s performance; I mean the game already runs terribly in relation to many other games due to its complexity.
Many games address the props and terrain deformation, and dirt/scratches buildup, in terms of optimization, by simplification. I know this game is a simulator and so asking for these things might be asking for an orange to be an apple, but hear me out.
Snowrunner has presets for the wheels and bodies of vehicles where the presets “how dirty it is” will change depending on how much interaction is had with the environment over time.
Basically there’s not much simulation of particles interacting with materials but rather just like 5 (or idk how many) stages and it’ll transition between those 5 stages of how dirty something is. In turn of using this simplification they can focus on the visuals and good looking terrain deformation.
GTA has scratches on vehicles but they’re also sort of using these simplified presets. Whenever a collision happens on a certain area of a vehicle then a preset “scratch on body” is applied to the vehicle and it’ll keep adding these layers until a certain point.
I think this game could benefit from some of these things. Maybe i’m being spoiled but I always like to suggest things to make games better.