I don’t get it…
I got back into BFV a couple weeks ago after a 4 year hiatus. I was really loving it—many of the issues that caused me to stop playing were no longer a major issue. Over the last couple days though, it seems like its all coming back…
the terrible balancing (just left a match with five lvl 500s alone vs only seven 100+s on my team, second round in a row, too), the unkillable fighter pilots who bomb you to dust from within the clouds, the snipers who can mysteriously headshot you through dense smoke from 200+ meters away, the oblivious squadmates who cannot follow simple directions (eg defend the flag until it’s clear of enemies), the panzerbuchse exploiters, the list goes on.
What just broke me was when I was holding our only area with the Churchill Crocodile. I managed to take out both ultra high level enemy tankers who plagued us the whole game and started the push to the next flag. My squadmate (~level 60, so not inexperienced) then spawns in and continuously spams the flamethrower. I used context voice commands. I begged them in the chat to stop. We ended up getting ganked bc and destroyed because I couldn’t see shit.
Idk it’s just frustrating man. I really do love this game, but after two great weeks, it feels like all the miserable bullshit just returned out of nowhere.