Old bb425s vs bb5000s?

I currently live in Japan and thinking of getting a higher quality 5 string. Currently use a trbx 305 and a tmb35. I really like the yamaha feel but the PJ setup on the Ibanez. I also like somewhat older basses. When I saw the bb5000 thought the thing was beautiful. Just love the accented pickup guards. Hard to find but when the pop up in Japan they seem to go for around 140,000 yen. I noticed older bb425s also seem to have them. Also are a lot cheaper for around 50,000 to 60,000. Basically could sell my current basses for it. Its also a lot easier to find. Could order one tomorrow, where the BB5000 it would require sitting on Japanese auctions sites for a year waiting and bidding.

I was wondering what the major differences are between the two besides the tighter spacing on the bb5000 being older?

Is owning an older bass like the bb5000 a lot of upkeep work and a lot more fragile than a new bass?
Saw one youtuber commenting on this.

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