Loud neighbors
Look. We've all been there. But these guys are something else and I'm at my limit.
Our condo complex is among several on my street; our back property line has a wall (7ft at ground level) between us and the single family properties on the next street. These people are so obnoxiously loud, I can hear every word of their conversations, every word to their music, at all hours of day and night, from every corner of my unit. They are no more than 30 yards away, but no less than 15 when out side.
I've tried being nice and asking them to keep it down at 130/2/4am when they're playing Cornhole. I've been a dick about it ("shut the f up it's 230am on a Monday). I've tried calling the police. I've tried skunk spray. I've tried calling city council. There are several other homeowners on either side of them, and other condo owners as well that have complained numerous times but to no success.
I'm at an utter loss at what to do. My wife and I are expecting by the end of the year and our home has turned into a nightmare and we can't afford to move right now or even in the next year.
"Getting over it" and "changing your energy" isn't an option. I'm fine with noise now and again, everyone has a right to enjoy their property but....this motherfucker who screams "OH MY GOD" every damned time he misses lobbing a parabolic supersonic beanbag launch into the wood cornhole board at 3am on a Monday is gonna make me go postal. I can't sit outside on my own patio because they smoke an excessive amount of weed. I can barely enjoy a few minutes early morning quiet before they start their music up (loud bass). Even with headphones in, I can hear everything they do all the time from at least a dozen yards away inside my own property.