Travel with a n infant 6 months long flight

Hi everyone,

I would like your advice and tips or tricks to help me on the current situation. And sorry for the long post, but the details are important 😔😔

I am travelling on a long flight with my baby girl (6 months) for the first time. From Cairns QLD to Cairo Egypt. And my husband is not coming with me.

The trip will be as follows:

1- from Cairns to Sydney ( 5 hours ) flight. And I will stay in Sydney for a few days 2- then from Sydney to Melbourne (1.5 hours) flight. And I will stay there for 2 days. 3- then I will go on the long flight from Melbourne to Cairo through abu dhabi. The first flight from Melbourne to abu dhabi is 14 hours straight 😭😭. Then there is a 8 hours transit in Abu Dhabi. Then Abudhabi to Cairo which is 5hours flight

All domestic flights are with jetstar, and the international one is with Etihad airways

What I have done from the tips I read already: 1- bought a yoyo2 stroller 2- most of these flights I have booked them at her night sleep night 3- I booked bassinet seats in the international flights, and all of them are aisle seats 4- I have an embrace ergo baby carrier

I also, want to mention that I am exclusively breastfeeding, and i tried introducing the bottle to help with this flight, but she refuses. Also, she refuses dummies 😭😭😭

Anyone has any tips or tricks please tell me, Also what do you do for the jet lag?