Whats going on? 39 weeks. [ca]
I’m 39 weeks pregnant. One week ago I was only 1 cm dilated, two days later I was 3 cm dilated. I’ll have another appointment today to check on progress.
However , I have had a lot mucus discharge for two weeks now - heavier this past week. The mucus today has more dark blood in it. All night and morning I have had this stomach hardening on and off. Last night I also had cramps but those subsided. But my stomach will like “ball up” almost and get rock hard for a minute or two and then release - then again and again and again …
I lost my mucus plug like 2 weeks ago and bloody show 3 days ago.
Baby boy is so low it feels like his head is between my legs.
Any idea or advice on what’s happening? Labour near?