To epidural or not to epidural?
Some background, I had a doctors appointment yesterday at 36+6, so basically 37wks. They did an ultrasound and estimated my little boy is 6lbs 8oz, and they also did a cervical check and I am not dilated at all. Zero, nada. As part of the appointment, my OBGYN started the conversation about birth plans and my thoughts on induction. I’m comfortable with my choice to avoid induction unless medically necessary or after 41wks. However, now I’m having second thoughts about my plan to avoid the epidural.
My original plan was to give birth unmedicated and without an epidural, unless I have to be induced or I am in labor for an extremely long time. However, my husband thinks I should reconsider since the OBGYN said he’s seen with unmedicated labors often women will tense up and the baby won’t move down as fast? My husband thinks I tense up a lot when I’m in pain/uncomfortable so what the doctor said is a strong possibility. My husband won’t strongly pressure me one way or the other, he just wants me to “consider” it.
I don’t think an epidural is evil, it just freaks me out. The biggest thing is the lack of feeling. If it just took the edge off the pain I’d be all for it. I’m scared of not feeling my legs, not feeling the birth at all, and not feeling the contractions and pushing at all. Also, I want to give birth in a hospital because it’s my first and anything can happen but I hate hospitals. I want to leave as soon as possible, like within the same day if they’ll let me. I feel like if I get an epidural they’ll keep me longer since I have to wait for it to wear off and they have to monitor for side effects.
What convinced you guys to get an epidural or not? Do you think my husband and OBGYN’s concerns, or my fears, are valid?