A Reminder For Anybody in this Subreddit Working on Getting Over Them
They're fucking CRAZY. Not neurotic, not anxious, not depressed, fucking bat. shit. nuts.
What kind of delusional maniac sees someone, aggressively comes onto them, says that they're perfect and that they're gonna marry them, try to baby trap them, move in, build a life, etc, only to start becoming abusive when you respond to their needs and return affection? What kind of person has unprotected sex within the first hour of meeting someone? What absolute lunatic threatens to kill herself when you leave, only to discard you like you meant "nothing" to them, only to hoover the minute you forget about them.
These people are NUTS. Can you imagine how many lives they've ruined in the process? All the exes they talk about? Can you imagine what they did to them and not told you about? Can you imagine how many people they ACTUALLY did this to and don't even remember (they tend to remember the ones who either left them, or were angry at them).
Take a step back for a second. Imagine that this was someone who WASN'T them? Imagine ANYBODY ELSE for a second engaging in that kind of behavior and knowing about it. You'd probably go "This persons fucking mental" and stay away. So what makes yours so different? The only answer is that you're still attached. That's it. Break the attachment and you won't ever even have to think about them again.