No Pedal Driving with ACC and B-Mode

Has anyone else tried combining Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and B-Mode for almost no-pedal driving on city streets?

Here’s how I do it:

On city streets, I use ACC with the car in B-Mode and a destination set.

ACC - When there are other cars on the road, the system follows the car ahead, maintaining speed and stopping as needed. If there’s no car to follow and I need to stop, I just press the Cancel button.

B-mode - once the Cancel button is pushed, ACC is disabled and since my foot isn’t on the accelerator, the car uses regenerative braking to come to a complete stop. After a bit of practice, I’ve gotten the timing down pretty well. Once the car is fully stopped, I press the Resume button to re-engage ACC. The car won’t move until I tap the accelerator. Once the car starts moving, I take my foot off the pedal, and ACC takes over, bringing me up to the set speed.

Set a destination - there is a feature to automatically adjust your speed to your route, so basically it automatically slows down for turns. It takes the turns slightly slower than I would like, but does work pretty well.

Overall I find this a nice way to use the tech in the car in city streets. You could use DAPP as well, but on city streets it warns constantly when going through traffic lights and DAPP can't handle the turns at traffic lights, so I find using ACC with me steering to be more in enjoyable. For highway drving, I go DAPP all the way.

Anybody else do something like no pedal driving?