Charging mode reverts
I try to set my car to "Charge in time slot" but it keeps reverting back to "Charge immediately". Changed it in the car and pushed it to the car from the app.. it ignores my changes almost instantly and starts charging.
I spoke with my local dealer, where I bought the car, who right away said it was a new bug that BMW was working on and it should be fixed with an OTA update (Soon TM). But looking online, this issue has been reported since the release of the car. I've been checking this sub for a year without anyone, afaik, has mentioned it, though!?
It's not a big deal right now. But with new shitty EU laws effecting me January 1st 2025 (some it could take until Jan 2027, in EU) I don't want the car to even smell my outlet between 06:00 and 22:00hrs.
Does anyone have the same issue and maybe find a solution / workaround other than not plugging in the cable before 22:00hrs? (2024 i4 8.5)