Can you teach students anything?

Hey, Uni student here studying Master of Teaching (primary) and I’m very confused about lesson plans and designing lessons 😓

So far for the lesson plans and unit plans we have basically just been told to go through the syllabus and design them based of the unit outcomes.

For example recently I was creating an art unit and lesson plans for stage 3 visual arts. I decided to make the unit plan about aboriginal art and related lesson plans. I designed the unit and lesson plans to match with stage 3 outcomes that is outlined in the syllabus but I keep feeling like this can’t be right?

Surely I’m the classroom every year 6 class as an example is learning the same thing? Regardless if it’s being taught by teacher x or teacher z? Their lesson plans and classes would be doing the exact or almost exact same actives right? Not just the teacher gets to decide what the students do as long as it relates to the syllabus? Super confused about all this hoping some teachers can explain it to me please 😅