Are video games a legitimate "text" for English lessons?

I was reading this recent Conversation article about research finding that only 60% of English teachers regard video games as a valid text for study. I find this surprising - in my own personal experience, a lot of teachers I know think that games are a rich option for study - but have trouble with time and access to games. I myself am both HSIE and English qualified, and find it much easier to use games in a HSIE context (Minecraft for History, Assassin's Creed, etc.) but allow students to analyse games they have played in their own time alongside other set class texts in English.

Is this the general experience? Do English teachers on here think games are valid, or still part of the "problem with society"?

Full disclosure, I am doing my PhD on this topic, and collecting responses from teachers on my website here if you felt you wanted to do a survey on it. But I'd love to chat about it in the comments!