2 year old bedtime craziness

How long does your toddler take to actually fall asleep?

Our bedtime routine (after bathtime): Lay in her floor bed She gets a small bottle with water (50ml) I read her 2 books Switch off the light Wait for her to fall asleep

Most nights she's up and down, on the bed off the bed. Playing with the covers. Eventually when she feels tired she lays next to me and falls asleep. But sometimes she has false 'starts', she'll lie for a minute then be up again. She has also hurt herself and me during this craziness.

I keep telling her either sleep (they use that at nursery) or get in your bed. But I feel after the 10th time it's useless.

It's exhausting and frustrating, as she is tired, but is fooling only herself with this pre-bed party. I have lost my cool and walked out, but obviously it just upset her. With that, I am the only one that can put her to bed. If my husband does bedtime with her, she cries for Mama after he read her the books.

I try get her in bed at 7pm, but she falls asleep closer to 9pm. Even if we put her to bed closer to 8 she takes long to fall asleep. Some nights I fall asleep before her, which is even more frustrating.

I get that some adults too take forever to fall asleep. But there has to be some things we can do to help her.

Please share your experiences and tips on how to help her.