Full time vs. part time. What would you do?
I know this is a very personal question totally dependent on one’s situation, finances, and locations, but was curious on this sub’s thoughts! I’m in a dilemma. I have a remote job with a great company and currently work full time Monday though Thursday. Even though I get paid 40 hours a week, I work a total of between 25 to 30, which is great! We don’t worry about finances and can provide him a very well provided for life.
Lately as he’s gotten older I’ve been mourning more and more my lack of time with him (he’s one year old). I try my best to finish work as fast as possible, but he is now more attached to my mom who watches him while I work. Although I know it’s great he has such a loving relationship with her, it devastates me. I’m considering asking to officially work only three days (and maybe a total of 20 hours) even though it would be a significant hit to our household income (my current work also completely covers all three of our benefits).
We would have to think about finances more and would not be able to provide him as many luxuries. However I would be able to have a bit more time with him. I’m struggling to decide whether financial freedom and giving my baby the best life possible in terms of our future home, vacations, and fun outings is more important or if spending a bit more time with him is. We live in an extremely HCOL area and although completely quitting my job is an option I’m worried about not being able to re-enter the job market once he’s in school.