I cried. I can't process my emotions right now.
I've been collecting AC collectors editions my whole life (turning 40 this year - eek) but after a breakup a few years ago with an unfaithful partner that left me homeless I lost all my figurines I had proudly displayed.
AC Shadows was my return to a collection, and although I only have the one, it brought genuine tears and emotion to receive it. It is absolutely beautiful and I will treasure it. Although I'm on a waiting list for a home, I am with my parents, so no need for anybody to worry about that. I just cannot wait to display it when I finally find somewhere ❤️
When I installed the game and played it... The first five minutes had me crying again. What an astonishing game. The graphics, the music, the combat, the story, the characters...
Just... Wow.
Edit: Just to add that I've since moved on and am much happier now! I'm independent and doing a lot for myself! 😊❤️