Other women flirting with your bf. How would you react?

Last night my bf and I were at an event. He’s a musician and works with several other musicians who were also there.

One female artist there is a very affectionate person. She seems to be very handsy and overly friendly with everyone, but I noticed her paying extra attention to my bf. I’ve noticed this before last night as well.

I’ve mentioned this to my bf. He didn’t really see the big deal, but I ask that he just keep his hands to himself with other women other than a standard hello/goodbye hug or kiss on the cheek. He can also be very touchy, which makes me uncomfortable, as it can come off inappropriately. He’s been a lot better about it since we started dating. I understand some people are just like that and may not mean to come off as flirtatious, but it was enough that it bothered me.

So last night, this woman was touching my bf a LOT. Grabbing his arm, putting her arm around him, trying to dance, rubbing his hair, complimenting him, taking pictures of him. At one point she even tried to GRIND against him until I physically had to come between them.

I didn’t want to start a scene or drama, but my God…At one point I got really mad. My bf was too drunk to notice and was having such a good time, I didn’t want to say anything. Now I wish I had…because it’s seriously bothering me.

Am I overreacting? I swear, at one point I wanted to just grab her and physically move her to the other side of the room. But I withheld and bit my tongue instead.

My bf got so drunk, he fell. We had to walk him to the car. I kept my mouth shut all night because I didn’t want to lash out while he was inebriated.

We literally had a discussion about how to behave around other women last week, now this. I don’t know how or when to bring it up or if I should just drop it considering his family is dealing with a lot right now.

So here I am, ranting on Reddit. Looking to see what others think before I make an ass of myself. Right now, I feel really sad for his family, but i can’t stop thinking about last night. I feel like a selfish a-hole, but also don’t think other monogamous women would appreciate the behavior.

I’m 34f and he is 40m.