Are single men feeling romantically stunted?

I (32f) think I’ve done my fair share of dating different types, working on myself, trying to be a healthy partnerable version of myself. I’m in a good life space and instead I’m like failing? Bad. I’ve told my friends I’m like the tea-cup rides…everyone loves amusement parks but no one actually likes that ride. This could just be me but I’m wondering if men my age feel this way too? Stunted. I used to be good at dating, at least charming and fun. Now, I’m nervous to even do anything physical, when I’m usually pretty sex positive. Im struggling to fully gain a connection with people. I almost broke out in hives on a first date the other day lol. The blow to the ego has made me second guess interactions and now I can’t even tell if anyone’s interested or not. lol sorry to rant but I feel like I’m a crazy person, it didn’t used to be this hard. I know we’re big on “decentering” dating these days but it’s still something I want. Do yall feel this way?