Single men over 30. How do you battle parts of anxiety and loneliness?

Me and my parents have been involved in the arranged marriage process for a little over a year now and as time has gone they have become more stressed out I suppose and more anxious. What was merely suggested has started to be demanded now. My parents seem to be of the popular belief in India, that people older than will not find a 'good' partner.

But I don't necessarily prescribe to this notion repeated sort of thinking like this from my parents has made me super anxious. And many counter examples of people finding the love in their life later and later in modern society don't help. I think this is because rationally, intellectually I already know that there is no timeline to find love. However, sometimes I feel like I go through cycles of negative emotions while at the same time trying to convince myself that I'm thinking like an idiot.

Did any of you face this? If yes, how did you get out of this mindset? I'm worried I'll make a wrong decision in desperate times that I'll regret for the rest of my life.