I am a former NICU baby, need help interpreting wording
I was born at 29 weeks, 2 lbs 12 oz if I’m remembering what my mother told me correctly. My father would always tell me I fit in the palm of his hands.
I decided to peruse my infant medical records out of curiosity, and I found one mentioning PVL, periventricular leukomalacia.
I just want help interpreting the wording. Does it mean I have PVL? Is this considered a diagnosis?
I cannot add attachments so the following is a copy-and-pasted version of the medical record:
IMPRESSION: 1. Seen in the regions of the caudothalamic notches bilaterally are two small, approximately 2 mm cystic structures that may represent the sequela of prior hemorrhage.
- There is no evidence of hydrocephalus or cystic encephalomalacia.
INDICATIONS: Former 29-weeker, now one month. Please evaluate for PVL changes as outpatient.
FINDINGS: The study was interpreted with comparison to a prior ultrasound obtained 14 April 2000. Seen at the level of the caudothalamic groove bilaterally are two meniscal, somewhat cystic-appearing regions that measure in the 1-2 mm range. This is nonspecific. This may represent the sequela of prior episode of hemorrhage. However, there is no evidence of hemorrhage today. The ventricles are not enlarged. There are no focal areas of acute hemorrhage or intraventricular hemorrhage. The brain parenchyma shows no evidence of cystic encephalomalacia. The corpus callosum is well developed and normal. The midline structures show a normal posterior fossa and no evidence of hydrocephalus. With the exception of the small meniscal changes at the caudothalamic groove, the study is essentially unchanged.