peritonsillar abscess update??
I’ve included pics, first one is from Tuesday and second one from a few minutes ago.
I’m 26, female, history of throat/tonsil issues. About two weeks ago I went to the ER on the urgent care GPs recommendation for a peritonsillar abscess on the right side. I’d had a painful sore throat for almost two weeks by then but I didn’t know these things existed so I stupidly let it drag on thinking it was another regular infection (I get them yearly). It got to the point where I couldn’t swallow my own spit, and half the time I attempted to drink I couldn’t pass much— the rest would come out of my nose. I had trouble opening my mouth at all, and I also couldn’t get my fever to go down with OTC meds. So I went, they drained it, got like 8 ccs of pus. They did steroid + antibiotics IV. I felt better 30 mins later. Blood and culture tests said I had strep throat and EBV so I was sent home with amoxicillin and I finished it just like I was supposed to. My last dose was on this last Friday I believe.
On Monday I felt a sore throat again, just the regular scratchy kind and I work with young kids so I didn’t think much of it. Tuesday the pain feels more focused on the left side, with a sensation very similar to what I had with the abscess (it’s a very different kind of pain compared to anything else I’ve experienced, along with this feeling of phlegm and saliva being stuck behind the tonsils). Tuesday night I have body aches, fatigue, low grade fever. Wednesday is slightly better but I call the hospital to be sure. I relay everything I’ve said here and they tell me unless I have trouble swallowing, breathing, or keeping fever down I don’t need to come in. I understand that but I’d also like to get ahead of this if possible. It’s not nearly as bad as it was last time but all the signs and my gut tell me this is the same thing. Ultimately I will listen to my gut and probably go, although it’s not as painful yet it’s still extremely uncomfortable and I don’t know what else to do besides hydrate and take OTC anti inflammatories. However I would appreciate any professional opinions as to the possibility of this also being an abscess. Thank you in advance!
EDIT: Didn’t realize I can’t post images and I’m on mobile, so I can’t delete that part, sorry! Disregard that part I guess.